Hope for the Holidays

Bringing Hope, One Knock at a Time

Faces of Hope

Take Action

The Trailer

In this participatory documentary, join Yuri and Rodney on a heartfelt mission as they, dressed as Santa’s helpers, traverse the diverse landscapes of every US state during the holidays.


Doors will open across America as Yuri and Rodney embark on a journey to bring hope during the holiday season.

Share the journey to bring warmth & hope to those most in need

Their goal is to bring hope to families facing difficult circumstances, including those in animal shelters, homes with special needs, disabilities, and individuals battling life-threatening illnesses. From snow storms in remote landscapes to navigating the weathered side streets of major cities, these two men are committed to spreading holiday cheer by providing gifts and dedicating time to listen to the stories of those they encounter.

Meet two real-life heroes who share love across our country

Doors will open across America as Yuri and Rodney embark on a journey to bring hope during the holiday season.

Upcoming Festivals

Find a screening of Hope 4 the Holidays near you!

Imagine you are a child.

You are diagnosed with a life threatening disease and hope is lost.
Then magically, in December, two men dressed as Santa’s helpers show up with a truck load of toys and holiday spirit to restore hope & joy in your life.
These two men are Rodney Smith Jr. & Yuri Williams.

Bringing Hope for the Holidays.

Take Action.

Be a lifeline for someone in need.
Buy a gift from their wishlist & ship directly to them.
Donate directly to cover medical expenses.

Give Hope for the Holidays.

Faces of Hope

Meet the kids and their families from the hit documentary, Hope for the Holidays.

David jr(2)
David Jr.
On our initial stop, similar to our previous tours, we began in Kentucky. There, we reunited with David's parents, Elizabeth and David Sr. Their son, David Jr, suffered from a brain tumor known as DIPG.
1 Kentucky_
Introducing our young friend, 3-year-old Axel, a courageous boy born with Esophageal Atresia and also living with autism.
2 Tennessee_
Say hello to our newest friend, 7-year-old Kayden! His parents invited us to visit and see how he's doing.
3 Alabama_
Introducing our incredible new friend, 11-year-old Kelby. He's a young autistic prodigy with an exceptional talent for numbers and dates.
4 Mississippi_
Introducing our delightful new friend, 3-year-old Journi. Her grandmother reached out to us, hoping we could make her Christmas a little brighter with some special gifts.
5 Louisiana_
Blake Family
Meet our new friends, Blake and his sister Harper. Blake is a wonderful young boy with Down syndrome and autism. We had the joy of delivering gifts to them and even spent some time playing tee ball.
6 Arkansas_
Meet our dear friend Khloe. We had the joy of visiting her today. Khloe is visually impaired, but there's hope on the horizon.
6 Arkansas_
Tommy Norman_
Tommy Norman
Each time we visit Little Rock, we make it a point to meet with our friend, Officer Norman. On this trip, he was instrumental in connecting us with numerous families in need.
6 Arkansas_
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Introducing our new buddy, 10-year-old Eli. Eli is bravely facing a very rare disease. We had the opportunity to visit him and brighten his day with some special gifts.
7 Texas_
Meet our resilient friend Courtney. Living with cerebral palsy and other health challenges, Courtney's journey is one of strength and perseverance. Her mother, her sole caregiver, works tirelessly to provide for her.
8 Oklahoma_
Reyanna Wesley
Reyanna & Wesley
Introducing our newest little friends, Reyanna, aged 5, and Wesley, aged 2. Wesley is on the autism spectrum.
9 New Mexico_
New Mexico Ronald McDonald house_(1)
Ronald McDonald House
We visited the Ronald McDonald House in Albuquerque, bringing along toys to donate. The Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) tirelessly serves millions of children and their families every year.
9 New Mexico_
We had the pleasure of visiting our friend Sal, a remarkable individual who is both visually impaired and autistic. Sal has an extraordinary talent with numbers, showcasing his genius in this area.
10 Arizona_
Laura, Michael Sr., Michael Jr., Matthew
Meet the inspiring family of Michael Sr. & Jr., Laura, and Matthew. They are facing incredible challenges with immense courage. Both parents, Michael Sr. and Laura, are battling stage 4 cancer, while their younger son, Matthew, is living with autism.
11 California_

Rodney Smith Jr

About Rodney

Rodney A. Smith, Jr. has had an extraordinary journey. He is a living testament to the transformative power of kindness. Born from an authentic experience when he assisted an elderly gentleman struggling to mow his lawn, Rodney’s life took a compassionate turn.

This spontaneous act of kindness grew into Raising Men & Women Lawn Care Service, a nonprofit organization. It has motivated over 5,000 kids to offer their services of mowing lawns, raking leaves, and shoveling snow for free to the elderly, disabled, single parents, and veterans in cities across the country.

Yuri Williams

About Yuri

Yuri Williams, known for his generous spirit, attributes his inclination towards giving to the woman who guided him through life’s lessons. In 2009, Yuri faced a profound loss with the passing of his mother, Lynda C. Hubbard, due to Cancer, marking what he considers one of the most challenging years of his life. It took Yuri five years to navigate the grieving process and find a semblance of recovery after losing the person who imparted invaluable wisdom.

During this period, Yuri conceived an initiative aimed at supporting the underserved within his community. His vision involved providing assistance to the elderly, children, veterans, and the houseless, and Yuri envisioned bringing joy to ill children by dressing up as Spider-Man during hospital visits. The positive reception to these efforts inspired the creation of the non-profit organization A Future Superhero and Friends, a venture dedicated to making a meaningful impact on the lives of those in need.

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